
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Waipara Camp 2021

 On the 2nd day of camp we went down to the lake at Waipara camp. We went down to the lake to learn how to kayak. I was feeling a bit nervous and I was tapping my leg. First when we got there we learnt how to get in the kayak and how to use the paddle. After that we had to get on the safety gear. First we put on the helmet then we put on the life jacket. After that we set out, first we went through a trail then we played in the big area. By this time I was feeling a lot more happy and achieved. One of the came that we played was a game called candlesticks, In candlesticks the taggers paddle around the area and if your kayak gets tagger you put your paddle up like a candlestick. Your teammates can un-tag you the way that you got tagged. The other game we played was named sponge tag. It is like tag but you have to throw a sponge in order to get the person out.

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