
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Shave for a cure

 Me and two other of my friends decided to do something to change other people's thinking about cancer and to raise awareness about it. We were going to shave our hair off! But first we had to raise money from our friends and family. Fast forward two months we have made over $3000 as a team! So the day came and at school we shaved our hair off and we started a dress-yourself day! And guess how much money we raised from the dress yourself day? If you guessed $907 then you are correct! Now that’s a lot of money! We shaved our heads smooth and we felt really proud! I really hope that people after reading this will understand more about cancer and maybe even one day we might find  a cure!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jazmin its Samara. Thats so brave of you to do that. I would have never done that because I would be afraid people bullying me. Well done Jazmin
    From Samara


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