
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Planting day!

 Planting day!

Today we took our massive bean’s to Rawhiti school garden. We had them in biodegradable cups. We planted them under this teepee looking thing. When we planted them it was a sad and proud feeling! The reason we planted them under the teepee is because it would help them taller and straighter. We have been waiting for about a month germinating the seeds and now they are super all. But I wonder how tall they will grow?


  1. Jazmin, I am also wondering how tall they will grow. I guess that depends how well we look after them. Are you able to add one of the photos to your post?

  2. I'm not to sure about how to add them to my post, but I will try!

  3. Hi Jazmin
    I really like your blog post.
    This reminded me of when I was planting in the school garden.
    Next time you could check it makes sense before you publish.



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