
Thursday, August 27, 2020



I wandered into Tāne Mahuta chatting to my friends and something felt different. At first I didn’t notice,

Day 1.

I didn’t notice the desks, the desks were covered in our beans! Well not beans, our plants! It was only the desks Phew!

Day 2.

Day 2. Today I noticed that the teachers were missing and then I remembered the beans! I heard the teachers screaming but the trees were shutting their mouth! Soon after I heard Eugene skream “I’M BUSTING FOR THE LOO!” So  we all laughed! Soon after we all got sizers and cut them out it was fun whilst it lasted! 

Day 3.

Day 3. Today we all had to do our work outside! We all got our chromebooks and it was not much work. They said we can all play learning games but I didn't!  

Day 4.

Day 4. Today we had to go into Ata hapara because that was the only safe option. It was only a bit squishy but I can’t complain. 

Day 5.

Day 5. Today the whole class was full with our bean vines and the vines were in Ata hapara and it was raining so we did our work under the varanda.

Day 6. 

Day 6. Today the rain cleared up and we did our work on the court because we had many complaints about our beans going into the hall and the library. 

Day 7.

Day 7. Today the whole school has been covered with our beans because we had a teachers only day. Now we are working from home.

Day 8.

Day 8. Today we are still learning from home but I need to go to school because my mum and dad are working.

Day 9.

Day 9. Today we started to cut the vines and we did not do much learning.

Day 10.

Day 10. Today we finished cutting up. This  was a crazy experience! 

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