
Sunday, August 29, 2021

Quick Write

 I would rather be the star actress because it would be thrilling and exciting to perform on the big screen. If the film is bad the audience can’t blame it  on you they would have to blame it on the director which would be comforting. I would probably star in a horror or a comedy oh wait something even better would be a comedy horror! Some parts would be scary and I would use my scream and others would be funny and I would try not to laugh. I would probably die first because of how scared I would be. I would hide!  

What would you rather be the star of a movie or the director? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jaz,
    I really enjoyed this! I can really imagine you as the star of a comedy horror and I think I have heard your scream, it's pretty good! Maybe you could start brainstorming some ideas for a plot for the movie? I actually think I would rather be the director of a movie, then I could make sure it went well and was a success.


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