
Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Bridle Path

 5th May  1862

15th Worsley St Manchester England

Hello Aunty Margret and Uncle William,

Mother and Father awoke too early on the second day of the Bridle path walk. I got picked up from a family of five Three girls Two Boys. They basically adopted me and they are really kind but the house is small and sad when it rains it is like an indoor shower! Around the house I sometimes cook with Mother in the new house and I make the beds.

The boat was quiet in the day, loud in the night, we couldn't go to the loo normally we had to do it’ in a bucket and once it's full we have to dump it overboard! Sleeping was not very comfortable. We slept on a pile of hay that attracted mice and everybody snored! It was like the boat wanted me to get sick!

Anyhow, how is home, is it the same? I had a thought that everything changed, and it scared me! In New Zealand I mean don't get me wrong it's beautiful but it is quite boring and what I do for fun is go collecting with my new siblings. I have many feathers and shiny stones!

Goodbye Miss you. Here is a photo of the sunset.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jaz,
    I really enjoyed your take on the story of the Early European Settlers - I hadn't considered that some people might get lost. Luckily your story seems to have a happy ending! Do you think you would be able to go to school if you were an Early European Settler?


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